Our Case for Support
We Cannot Thank You Enough
The Avalon Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) not for profit organization Thank you very much for considering a donation to The Avalon Foundation. Your generous donation allows The Foundation to continue its mission.
Please send checks to:
The Avalon Foundation
3328 Brantford Rd.
Ottawa Hills OH 43606
Examine our Case For Support (pdf)to better understand your investment in our programs and mission! (enlarge gallery view below by clicking on image)
Are you interested in partnering with us?
We’d love to talk more about how we can best work together
Help Support Our Mission
Our Donor Levels
You can support The Avalon Foundation in a variety of ways. Please know that your donation is impacting children and families on a national and local level
$0 – $50
Supports younger siblings that also need to feel supported during traumatic transitions in the family with a brother or sister undergoing a new painful treatment.
$51 – $300
Directly contributes to #PainBox supplies and logistics, supporting a patient family with activities to use for bonding during critical transitions and sending the very popular large TAFFY dog as a companion on this journey.
$301 – $600
Directly contributes to #PainBox supplies and logistics, supporting a child for several weeks of their program.
Directly Funds Patient and Family Support Program new patient assessment, which includes a customized plan and tools for successful compliance of treatment by establishing a stable psych-emotional environment for everyone in the household.
Partner with Us
Become a Partner
We thrive on partnering with businesses in the community to expand our reach and grow our mission
$1,001 – $3,500
Establish a customized Patient & Family Support Program, which includes #PainBox, peer support, and parent support.
$3,501 – $7,500
Benefits our wellness team who provides direct support to patients and families with assessment, trauma response, coaching, education, peer support through #PainBox, and referrals through critical transitions of medical care.
$7,501 – $12,000
Are you interested in partnering with us?
We’d love to talk more about how we can best work together